By : Yunita Windriana A sharing session has been held regarding the event organizer. Where in this case, I’m Yunita Windriana a student at Narotama University is filled in. The participants for the sharing session are the youth of the Luwung hamlet mosque, Ganggangpanjang village. The event is relaxed to share experiences in the field of event organizers. The discussion given is light, including the basis for carrying out the events made. In an event or activity. Of course, concepts, committees, targets, and budgets are needed to support these activities. then in the sharing session activities, mosque youth are given the task to create an activity or event that will later be planned to be realized. By loading one form of activity and committee taken from the youth of the mosque. After knowing the activities to be carried out, for example, in this case, the mosque's teenagers chose to hold the Prophet's birthday. Then they will then compile a proposal with a committee, concept, ...