Tasyakuran Night at Ganggangpanjang Village

By : Muhammad Fiqi Naufaldy Prasojo

As an expression of gratitude to the creator Allah SWT who has given the independence of the Indonesian nation and pray for the spirits of the heroes who have died in fighting for the nation from the clutches of the invaders. The village government of Ganggangpanjang, Tanggulangin District, is preserving the tradition of the evening of Tasyakuran and Selamatan ahead of the 77th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia tomorrow.

This event took place at the Ganggangpanjang village hall starting at 20.00 WIB until the end was attended by the Lurah, Head of RW, Head and RT Management, Religious Leaders, Community Leaders, and Students of Narotama University Community Service Program. 

The event started with the opening of the committee and continued by a speech from the village head of Ganggangpanjang. After that, it was continued with the announcement of the competition and the distribution of prizes for the winners of the cleanliness and environmental beauty competition. And Alhamdulillah for the first place won by RW 2 which is where we do KKN activities.

After the distribution of the prizes for the winners of the competition, it was continued with a lecture from Mr. Mudin. And at the end of the event closed by eating with cone-shaped rice.


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