By : Syafiyyul 'Aini

Hello friends, introduce my name Syafiyyul 'Aini, one of the representatives from SMK Sepuluh Nopember from the X-Industrial Pharmacy class, would like to tell you a little about my experience or message and impressions during my participation in the Community Service Skill activity in Ganggang Panjang Village, Tanggulangin District, Sidoarjo Regency. This blog may be a bit long, and I hope you can follow this story calmly. I will be very grateful that you have read my story.

At the beginning of the meeting on January 6, 2025, I experienced a bit of excessive anxiety, because I was still too early to participate in activities like this CSS. But when I met with Mrs. Midwife and some of the employees who welcomed us, I was grateful. We were briefed to the maximum, what we would do was explained one by one with several other additional materials. This material is related to our activities, for example my activities or our group as health. How to handle toddlers, pregnant women to the elderly.

We participated in activities for several days and weeks according to the schedule provided by the posyandu. Like on the 9th-10th, we carried out CSS activities at the village hall and in the kindergarten. We were given a complete briefing from Mrs. Midwives and several mothers who participated in this activity as one of the members of the posyandu. With enthusiasm from us and from the mothers of the posyandu can encourage our enthusiasm to carry out this activity during the continuation, especially when we hear that in Ganggang Panjang Village, one of the four villages in Tanggulangin that has a Posyandu Jiwa.

Not only that, we can also find several small children during the Toddler Posyandu or COE Posyandu. They were funny, the incident from their joy to crying is still clearly remembered in my heat. How they express their faces, and funny words are heard. The mother of the toddler also welcomed us enthusiastically, even asking how long we would be there, they also asked where my school was from, my activities, to the major and the rigor of the major I took.

The elderly people were also excited when we helped to handle them, smiling kindly which made us very excited to start activities at the posyandu today. The complaints that are sometimes given, I personally look for what to do, starting from taking blood supplement medicine, regular sleep. The tension of some people can also cause the person to experience dizziness and pain in their body.  

I personally learned a lot from the activities that I have been doing for one month, totaling from January 6, 2025 to February 7, 2025. Because from this social activity, I can understand the word "Society is not what most people say." because from this activity, I can know that society has so many behaviors, traits and events that can be seen. From here, I can also find out what it feels like to be directly involved in the surrounding community, helping, socializing and educating them.

I am once again honored to be able to carry out activities with Mrs. Midwives and Mrs. Posyandu for this one month, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me in understanding, doing and so on during the CSS period.


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