By : Melis Tania S

Good morning social media's friends. Introducing my name is Melis Tania S, I am a student at Narotama campus in Surabaya, which among others chose this Ganggangpanjang village as my out real work lectures. Judging from the enthusiasm and optimism of the residents of Ganggangpanjang village, it made me amazed and more enthusiastic in carrying out real work lectures in the village.

In implementing the Village Medium-Term Development Plan, this is a guideline in developing villages together. At this stage the village's head has full authority in carrying out the planning, for the progress that the village wants. Ganggangpanjang village which is a village with many livelihoods, such us agriculture, and farm. Seeing this Ganggangpanjang village has such a large area of land that can be used as a place of business, facilities for agricultural activities and also sports facilities with a large mass. I think with the enthusiasm of the village government and the people of this Ganggangpanjang village, this village will make getting ahead and becoming a village that more advances and even beat other villages.

In activity in this village of Ganggangpanjang, my friends and I and the villager cooperate with each other in planning village progress. And in every activity we are also assisted by Mr. Pandu who is one of the apparatus in the local village, from the beginning we came Mr. Pandu who prepared and helped direct us. Starting from home, food, and infrastructure for our activities during KKN.

From the beginning, our activities going well and Fluently, all of that couldn't be separated from the compactness of the apparatus and the villager. Our main target is also the youth of the mosque, they also help our activities in educational session and procedures for making proposals. Even though they were a late, but they were very enthusiastic to participation in our event, which can also increase their knowledge in making of proposals.


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My Experience of KKN in Ganggangpanjang Village