
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2024

Story of CSS Experience In Ganggangpanjang Village

By: Rizal Dwi Saputra I was one of the ten November students who carried out CSS activities in Ganggangpanjang village. On the first day I was really awkward because I had just taken part in the activities at the village hall office, on the first day I learned how to operate an application called SIPRAJA. After learning how to operate the SIPRAJA application, I learned how to make a cover letter for KK, SKU and others. Coincidentally, Raya Zauza Rabbana and Devi Silvia Andriyanti and I were assigned to take part in CSS activities in Ganggangpanjang Village. Thank God, apart from gaining new knowledge and experience, we also got a new family. The village employees are also nice, we feel at home carrying out CSS activities here.

Office Management CSS Experience 2024

By: Devi Silvia Andriyanti Assalamualaikum, let me introduce myself, my name is Devi Silvia Andriyanti from the non-health department (MP). I want to tell you about community service skills activities or called CSS, this program is a new program for class 10 at SMK SEPULUH NOVEMBER SIDOARJO. I did this program in the village of Ganggang Panjang, which is not far from my house, I was accompanied during CSS by Sensei Dewi, after that my friends and I gathered at the library to discuss CSS. After that we went to the Ganggang Panjang village hall to meet the midwife and the village hall administrator. After that CSS started on January 8, we were divided into tasks because there were two departments, namely health and non-health, after that we were directed to the non-health ones at the village hall, the health ones to the posyandu according to the schedule, there were 6 health people and 2 non-health people. , after dividing the duties of 2 people at the village hall to help with services ...

Pemerintah Luncurkan Program Satu Desa Satu Dosen untuk Tingkatkan Potensi Pedesaan

Pemerintah Kabupaten Jember Jawa Timur meluncurkan program pendampingan satu desa oleh satu dosen. Program ini sebagai salah satu upaya dalam membangun potensi desa dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Peluncuran program pendampingan satu desa atau kelurahan dengan satu dosen digelar di Aula PB Sudirman Pemerintah Kabupaten Jember pada Kamis (01/10/2020). Peluncuran program ini dihadiri 31 Camat, sejumlah kepala dinas terkait dan juga kalangan dosen. Plt. Bupati Jember, Abdul Muqit Arief mengatakan program pendampingan bekerjasama dengan Universitas Jember. Dengan program ini, diharapkan pengembangan dan pembangunan potensi desa dapat dilakukan lebih baik. Program ini menitikberatkan pada perbaikan sistem pemerintahan tingkat desa dan kelurahan serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui kewirausahaan. Rektor Universitas Jember, Iwan Taruna mengatakan program ini akan dijalankan sesuai dengan permasalahan dan kebutuhan yang dihadapi masyarakat sehingga pembangunan dan pemanfaatan poten...

Separation Is Not The End Of Everything

By: Alya Wahyu Budi Ramadhani Hello, my introduction is Alya Wahyu Budi Ramadhani from SMK Sepuluh Nopember, Sidoarjo. OK, so this is related to the task given by our supervisor during CSS, namely Mr. Pandu, to tell about his experience during CSS in Ganggang Panjang village. The experience that I have gained in the last few months has been a lot from cultivating my skills to become a good nurse, how about I hone my skills by participating in posyandu activities in the village of Ganggang Panjang, I have learned a lot "Oh, it turns out that being a nurse doesn't just mean "You can just give injections, okay?" from having to be a midwife and so on, I was also motivated by you from being a midwife who monitors activities at the posyandu in Ganggang Panjang village. I was motivated by him because, when I saw him, he was always smiling at all times. It turned out that being a nurse also had to smile so that the patients being treated wouldn't get bored with the atmos...

CSS Experience 2024 Of Office Management

By: Raya Zauza Rabbana Hello, my name is Raya Zauza Rabbana, I come from SMK SEPULUH NOPEMBER SIDOARJO, I am in class 10 majoring in Office Management. I want to share my experience while taking part in a program from a school called CSS or community service skills, which is useful for training and improving work skills in my field of study, it can also be my provision in grade 11 street vendors, I did this program at the Ganggangpanjang village hall. On January 8, the program started actively. Me and two of my friends started working precisely at the Ganggangpanjang village hall office. For the first day until the fourth day we still didn't have any Direction assignments, then we finally started actively carrying out assignments, starting on Friday, that is, we got our first assignment at the service location. We learned how to serve the community to make letters, we were well directed, until finally several people came to make the letters needed. In the following week we got a lo...


By: Lidya Fitri Azzahra Hello my name is Azza, here I will tell you about the joys of CSS in Ganggang Panjang village. If I'm honest, when I first met to coordinate the CSS program, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to get along with my friends and their cadres, because many of my friends told me that they didn't get along with CSS friends. Well, on the first day it was still a little awkward, but over time it became normal, especially with the midwife and the female cadre, to be honest, I used to be afraid that I would be insulted or do something like that, it turns out they are really nice and have fun. On the 5th-6th, Friday and Saturday, my friends and I were asked for help to help enter the data for the SUB PIN POLI, O actually I wasn't tired, just because there were some whose data was incomplete so I was confused, but fortunately the cadre's mother was quick to help me at first. I'm afraid of the cadre's mother, I don't know, I'm just afrai...


By: Amanda Fauziah Azis Let me introduce myself, my name is Amanda from Kedensari Village. Here I will tell you about my experience while I was carrying out posyandu activities in GANGGANG PANJANG VILLAGE. Posyandu (Integrated Service Post) is a form of Community-Resourced Health Effort carried out by, from and with the community, to empower and provide convenience for the community to obtain health services for mothers, babies and toddlers. This Posyandu activity was held from January 8 to February 14. These posyandu consist of toddler posyandu, elderly posyandu, mental health posyandu, polio clinic, and pregnant women's class, and posyandu parks or visits to kindergarten schools. Here I will tell you about my experience while participating in this activity. Starting from the first, namely POSYANDU BALITA. Here it is clear that the name is posyandu toddler so the patients are definitely toddlers, this posyandu toddler consists of checking height and weight, apart from that there a...


By: Adinda Dwi Febriyanti MONDAY, 08 JANUARY 2024. In a small village, there lived a group of people who were close-knit and cared about the health of their village members. They formed an institution that became the center of attention for community welfare, known as Posyandu. Posyandu, or what is better known as Integrated Service Post, is not just a health place. This is a place where every villager can feel warmth and care from each other. Initially, this Posyandu only consisted of a few mothers who had a passion for improving the health of their families. However, as time went by, more and more people joined, motivated by the increasing success of the Posyandu. POSYANDU ELDERLY. There is a Posyandu specifically dedicated to the elderly. An atmosphere of peace and love surrounds the small space where the elderly gather. Posyandu for the Elderly, as they call it, is not just a place for routine health checks, but also a second home for seniors who live their days with meaning. welco...

Exciting Experience When Carrying Out the Community Service Skills Program in Ganggang Panjang Village

By: Addini Syafira Putri Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. First, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Addini Syafira Putri, usually called Addini or Dini. I am a health student (Clinical & Community Pharmacy 1) at SMK Sepuluh Nopember Sidoarjo, 13th class.  A little story about my experience when I implemented Community Service Skills (CSS), where the CSS program is a new program for class X students at SMK Sepuluh Nopember Sidoarjo. I implemented the CSS program in Ganggang Panjang Village, Kec. Address it, District. Sidoarjo which is not far from my house. Initially I only knew the name Ganggang Panjang Village from neighbors around my house. The first time I started to know where Ganggang Panjang Village was located, there were lots of rice fields, the village had a very large area, and the village people were very kind and friendly. Before the activity start date, me, my friends Dina (AKC 2), Alya (AKC 1), Amanda (AKC 1), Adinda (FKK 1), Azza (FKK 2), Devi (MP 2), Raya (MP 5), R...

Valuable Experience

By: Dina Aurellia Hello, my name is Dina, I want to tell you about my experience while participating in the CSS or COMMUNITY SERVICE SKILL program which was held in Ganggang Panjang village in January 2024. The CSS program is a new program that all female students of SMK ten November Sidoarjo must take part in. Last year there was also this program but it only involved students majoring in nursing, but this year children majoring in FKK and others are also taking part in this program.  The experience I want to convey is a very pleasant experience, namely that I got to know friends from different departments, I got to know the village midwife who was very friendly and kind. At the first meeting at the village hall I didn't know anyone but after that meeting I got to know my friends. cool friends, good accompanying teachers, and the officers there are very friendly. The first day of posyandu I felt scared because it was my first experience, the next day I didn't feel scared, but ...