Exciting Experience When Carrying Out the Community Service Skills Program in Ganggang Panjang Village

By: Addini Syafira Putri

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. First, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Addini Syafira Putri, usually called Addini or Dini. I am a health student (Clinical & Community Pharmacy 1) at SMK Sepuluh Nopember Sidoarjo, 13th class. 

A little story about my experience when I implemented Community Service Skills (CSS), where the CSS program is a new program for class X students at SMK Sepuluh Nopember Sidoarjo. I implemented the CSS program in Ganggang Panjang Village, Kec. Address it, District. Sidoarjo which is not far from my house. Initially I only knew the name Ganggang Panjang Village from neighbors around my house. The first time I started to know where Ganggang Panjang Village was located, there were lots of rice fields, the village had a very large area, and the village people were very kind and friendly. Before the activity start date, me, my friends Dina (AKC 2), Alya (AKC 1), Amanda (AKC 1), Adinda (FKK 1), Azza (FKK 2), Devi (MP 2), Raya (MP 5), Rizal (LPS), and my supervising teacher Mrs. Dewi Yanita Sari, S.pd visited the Ganggang Panjang Village Hall to find out where the Village Hall is located, and several posts that we will occupy to carry out CSS (Posyandu) activities for majors health, Village Hall to carry out CSS activities for non-health children. While we were at the Village Hall we were given directions by Mr. Endy Pandu Nugroho, M.Pd – Head of Services, Mr. Anang Wahyu A – Village Secretary, and Mrs. Istianah, A.Md.Keb – Village Midwives who will be our companions during CSS (Posyandu) activities. 

The first CSS activity took place on Monday, January 8 2024 for the health department to help carry out posyandu activities in Ganggang Panjang Village, and for non-health departments to help with work that might be needed at the Ganggang Panjang Village Hall. The first thing we met when the posyandu activities started, we met Mrs. Istianah, A.Md.Keb. – Village Midwife, Mrs. Reny Tri Yunita, A.Md.Kep. – Village nurses and posyandu cadres in Ganggang Panjang Village who are very friendly. The posyandu activity was the first activity for me, the first time I helped with posyandu activities was on Monday, January 8 2024 and Wednesday, January 10 2024 at the elderly posyandu. I felt a little tired during the activity because I had to always smile and give directions to the elderly who would carry out the posyandu activities. 

On Thursday, January 11 2024, my friends (health department) and I also helped carry out the mental health posyandu activities. Mental Health Posyandu is one of the health services for people experiencing mental disorders. The activities of the mental health posyandu in Ganggang Panjang Village include temperature checks, weighing, checking blood pressure, and administering medication from the community health center for patients with mental disorders. 

On Friday 12 January 2024, the elderly posyandu activities will return to a different post. The activities of the elderly posyandu in Ganggang Panjang Village include weighing, measuring height, checking blood pressure, and administering medication to elderly people who have complaints. 

On Saturday, January 13 2024, Posyandu Toddler & Posbindu, these 2 activities were held in the same place and at the same time. There my friends and I were a little overwhelmed because the 2 activities started at the same time and there were so many participants. 

Before the PIN Polio start date is Wednesday, January 17 2024 – Thursday, January 18 2024. On Monday, January 15 2024 – Tuesday, January 16 2024, all toddlers in Ganggang Panjang Village will do posyandu first to find out the development of toddlers. 

PIN polio day on Wednesday, January 17 2024 – Thursday, January 18 2024 at the Ganggang Panjang Village Hall, PIN polio activities began. PIN Polio is the provision of additional polio immunization to toddlers regardless of previous polio immunization status. Targeting children aged 0 – 7 years 11 months 29 days. Ganggang Panjang Village Polio Sub PIN can be obtained at the Tanggulangin Community Health Center. 

On Friday, January 19 2024, Wednesday, January 24 2024, and Friday, January 26 2024. My friends and I carried out posyandu garden activities at the kindergarten in the Ganggang Panjang Village area. While at the posyandu park, my friends and I invited the kindergarten children to play guessing games and gave them prizes. We also really enjoy meeting and playing with them. 

And today, Tuesday, January 23 2024, in Ganggang Panjang Village, there is a class meeting for pregnant women where in the class for pregnant women, mothers will get complete knowledge about what a mother needs to know during pregnancy. Starting from balanced nutrition for pregnant women, preparation for the birthing process, postpartum and postpartum care, to caring for newborns to toddlers from the explanation by Mrs. Istianah, A.Md.Keb. – Ganggang Panjang Village Midwife. 

The location is Thursday, January 25 2024, at the Ganggang Panjang Village Hall, where a meeting of Ganggang Panjang Village cadres is being held. It’s true that CSS (posyandu) activities made me a little tired when there were so many posyandu participants, and I fell behind in school subjects. However, with CSS activities, I have made new acquaintances from other departments. I was also very happy when carrying out CSS (posyandu) activities because everyone in Ganggang Panjang Village was very friendly, and Ganggang Panjang Village is a village that really cares about the surrounding community. 

I don’t forget to say thank you very much, to all the residents of Ganggang Panjang village, Village officials, companions for the implementation of the CSS program, Mr. Endy Pandu Nugroho, M.Pd – Head of Services, Mr. Anang Wahyu A – Village Secretary, Mrs. Istianah, A.Md.Keb.- Midwife, Mrs Reny Tri Yunita, A.Md.Kep. – Village Nurse, Ganggang Panjang Village cadres, and my supervisor Mrs. Dewi Yanita Sari, S.Pd. I hope that I and my friends and the residents of Ganggang Panjang Village can have good relationships.


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