By: Lidya Fitri Azzahra

Hello my name is Azza, here I will tell you about the joys of CSS in Ganggang Panjang village. If I'm honest, when I first met to coordinate the CSS program, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to get along with my friends and their cadres, because many of my friends told me that they didn't get along with CSS friends. Well, on the first day it was still a little awkward, but over time it became normal, especially with the midwife and the female cadre, to be honest, I used to be afraid that I would be insulted or do something like that, it turns out they are really nice and have fun.

On the 5th-6th, Friday and Saturday, my friends and I were asked for help to help enter the data for the SUB PIN POLI, O actually I wasn't tired, just because there were some whose data was incomplete so I was confused, but fortunately the cadre's mother was quick to help me at first. I'm afraid of the cadre's mother, I don't know, I'm just afraid, it turns out it's not that scary, on Saturday I bought seblak with Mrs. Is, the weather was really rainy, it was cold and cold, and eating seblak was delicious, even though actually I don't like seblak, but I don't know why if I eat it When it's raining, it's delicious.

The first day, January 8 2024, we had an elderly posyandu in RW 1, on the first day I arrived a little late because the road was covered in sand by my neighbors, so I didn't feel good with my mother, but fortunately my mother was friendly and kind, I was there too I met Mrs. Rukhana when I was going to an IPNU IPPNU event. I went to her house so I got to know her, then there I also met her little sister who was joining her grandmother in the posyandu, I swear, her little sister was really cute.

The second day, January 10 2024, there was an elderly posyandu in RW 04, there I met people who knew me, but to be honest, at first I didn't know who they were, and there were some I really didn't know who they were, and then there were gentlemen there, right? I was advised by my father not to date, focus on school first, focus on making his parents happy, go to a good school so he can make his parents proud, to be honest, I wanted to cry, not because I was dating, no, because his father said he was when I was the same age. I've been abandoned by my parents.

The third day, January 11 2024, mental health posyandu, to be honest, at first I was afraid at the posyandu, because I felt traumatized by people with mental disorders, so I thought about what or not, I was afraid of what would happen, but it turned out they were good, funny, funny, there were also those who said, " I want to get better, I want to marry my father, that's because" there the cadre's mother started laughing because she saw his behavior, there were also those who sulked because their children told about their mother's behavior at home, it turned out it wasn't as scary as I imagined.

On the fourth day, January 12 2024, there was an elderly posyandu at the village health center. Actually, if it was scheduled, it was Taman Posyandu, but it turned out to be replaced by being told to help at the elderly posyandu. no or not, but apparently not, in fact the mother was nice there, she was also given snacks, she was also invited to chat, and she didn't forget to buy pentol at the kindergarten near the village hall.

On the fifth day, January 13 2024, we had a toddler posyandu and village health center, there we met a cute little brother and sister, at that time there was a small child, more specifically a toddler, he knew that if I asked him to joke and play, he would laugh and laugh until his grandmother said "I don't know you yet, sis, I'm just laughing and laughing" her grandmother said that while laughing looking at her little sister because her little sister was really funny. There was also someone who didn't want to have his height measured, it was like he was afraid to see me even though I was just sitting there, not doing what his little brother was doing, then there was also someone who, after having his height measured, was crying and then I said to his little brother, "Why are you crying, little brother? "My brother didn't do anything to his little brother, he just measured his height," he immediately laughed even though he was still dripping with tears and a little snot coming out of his eyes hahahahahah, this toddler is really random.

On the sixth day, January 15 2024, there was a posyandu for toddlers in RW 2, 3 and 4, it was made straight away for a day so we divided two children per post, Dina and I got a share in RW 4, we've been there since 8 o'clock but how come it's still quiet until 12 o'clock? It was half past 9 and it was still quiet, apparently one of the cadres in RW 4 was unable to attend so he was replaced the next day, it felt like he was on the phone with him. Finally, Dina and I went to the village health center and were told to help at post 1.

On the seventh day, January 16 2024, we will have a toddler posyandu in RW 4 to replace yesterday's one, because yesterday it was postponed. There I got to weigh and measure children who were still babies, they were cute and funny, there were also some who didn't want to be weighed until we were overwhelmed, there were also those who remained silent when they were weighed and measured. Actually, I don't really like small children, especially those who often have tantrums, but here I have to be patient and keep smiling even though I'm really tired. Then when I wanted to go home I was told to return the scales and height measuring instruments, when I was carrying the bag my body felt like it was being forced to be straight, it was a bit overwhelming to carry it but luckily I reached my destination safely.

On the eighth day, January 17 2024, we had a SUB PIN POLIO at the village hall, oh my God, it was really busy. There are mothers who don't want to lose, there are also those who push through, there are those who don't want to be controlled, many of their small children cry because they think they are getting an injection even though it's just a drop. There I was given ink as a sign that they had finished giving the SUB PIN POLIO, my white uniform often almost fell victim to small children who didn't want to be given ink, luckily the ink didn't spill on the clothes, seeing so many crowds of people accompanied by children crying the little boy felt so tired.

On the ninth day, January 18 2024, the second day we did SUB PIN POLIO, because yesterday it was only RW 2, 3 and 4, only RW 1 was on January 18. There weren't as many people here as there were yesterday because there was only 1 RW, we were also given vitamins to give to our family/closest relatives because there were still a lot of vitamins left so we were told to take them home.

On the tenth day, January 19 2024, we did a posyandu garden at the Dharma Wanita Kindergarten near the Ganggang Panjang village hall office, there we met small children who were very active, some were crying because they were afraid of us, there were also those who were really excited. There we invited the younger siblings to play guessing games where they could get prizes, so the younger siblings would be enthusiastic so they could get the snacks.

On the eleventh day, January 23 2024, there is a class for pregnant women, here we are more idle because when we come, the consul goes straight to the midwife, so we help distribute food to the pregnant women who come and help unload the pregnant women's bicycles.

On the twelfth day, January 24 2024, we went to the posyandu park again, but this time at RA Al Firdaus, because the place is near my house, so we gathered at my house first, here the number of students is less than in the previous place, but here the children are very active, no one can keep quiet. There were some who obeyed but there were more who couldn't keep quiet, luckily we were patient so our brothers and sisters didn't bite us.

Because I often don't go to school. Once when I went to school, my friends asked me and were surprised because I didn't do CSS because usually I always do CSS, I really didn't have a tight schedule, I felt like I was being pushed away from my friends. That's all my story during Community Service Skills in the village Ganggang Panjang, thank you.


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