By: Chandyka Wisnu Prastyo Aji Assalamualaikum, Greetings to all of us. Introducing My Name is Chandyka Wisnu Prastyo Aji From Narotama University with Informatics Engineering Study Program In my real work experience (KKN) in Ganggang Panjang Village, I felt very amazed by a fact that I had never realized before. This village, which is hidden from the hustle and bustle of the city, has taught me a lot about the life of rural people who are rich in local wisdom. Stepping forward with my beloved friends who are cute and funny with these 11 people Awaluudiin, Michael, Wahyu, Goni, Lucy, Fion, Julia, Adam, Ryu, Bangrod. this month and that day it also feels different with the addition of real work lecture activities and independent studies it feels like this body is just about to break down every time at the inn you can't sleep because of different tastes, but this is okay and you have to be proud of yourself I am. However, amidst this admiration, there was also a hint of sadness that ...