Enjoyable Experience Of KKN Activities In The Village Of Ganggangpanjang

By : Julia Choirunnisa Kinanti Putri

This is my story during my Community Service Program (KKN), before that let me introduce myself first, my name is Julia Choirunnisa Kinanti Putri, usually called Julia or Lia. I come from Narotama University Surabaya and I am class of 2020.

A little story about me, and back to when I was carrying out KKN, I carried out KKN in the village of Ganggangpanjang, Tanggulangin Sidoarjo. Before the opening of the KKN I was very enthusiastic in preparing for the KKN, I also arranged what I would bring during the KKN there, clothes, pants, shoes, food etc. Everything is ready, just waiting for the day of departure and the inauguration of the KKN activities to be carried out. The first time I got to know Ganggangpanjang village was when I was doing KKN, the place was cold and there were lots of rice fields, the people were very kind and friendly. The first activity I did there when I was doing KKN was meeting with residents and opening the KKN activity which was attended by village officials. My team and I gave remarks and explained about the program that we would carry out during KKN.

Our first KKN activity took place on July 30th , in the form of a seminar on the proper and correct use of social media. Our event was attended by approximately 10 teenagers, so we are very happy that someone took the time to attend our event. The days continued to pass and arrived where the most enjoyable days took place on the 16th and 17th of August. On that date we took part in activities held by the village, namely the tirakatan event and also the independence day competition. At the event we as KKN students helped the event by documenting each activity by dividing into several groups to spread across several RTs. In this activity I was able to get acquainted with the mothers who were very friendly and got to know the little children there, namely Naila, Nia, Mia, Akbar, Alvaro, Erika. We even exchanged Instagram usernames so we could keep in touch even though our KKN activities would end. After the meeting we spent the night at Pak Pandu's house who is also a resident of Ganggang Panjang Village.

On August 20, we also took part in activities in the village of Ganggangpanjang, namely a healthy walk and we were still divided into several groups to document these activities. Incidentally, I was in RT 05 & RT 06. There I met mothers I knew and small children I recognized. While documenting the healthy walking activities, I felt a little tired, maybe the factor was that I never jogged in the city. But, it all paid off because during the trip I could see very beautiful scenery in this village. From the beginning our activities ran smoothly and smoothly, all of this could not be separated from the cohesiveness of the apparatus and residents.

I do not forget to express my deepest gratitude to all residents and village officials, especially Mr. Pandu who have prepared a place to live and guide us. I really hope that we and the residents can maintain a good relationship.


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