
Apel Korpri Kecamatan Tanggulangin: Semangat Pengabdian dan Kebersamaan ASN

Kecamatan Tanggulangin, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, secara rutin menggelar apel Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia (Korpri) setiap tanggal 17. Apel ini menjadi momentum penting bagi Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) di lingkungan kecamatan untuk memperkuat semangat pengabdian, meningkatkan disiplin, serta menjalin kebersamaan. Pelaksanaan apel Korpri di Kecamatan Tanggulangin selalu diikuti oleh seluruh ASN, mulai dari staf kecamatan hingga perwakilan dari setiap desa. Apel ini dipimpin oleh Camat Tanggulangin atau pejabat yang ditunjuk, dengan susunan acara yang meliputi pembacaan naskah Panca Prasetya Korpri, amanat dari pimpinan, serta doa. Amanat yang disampaikan dalam apel Korpri biasanya berisi pesan-pesan motivasi, arahan terkait tugas dan tanggung jawab ASN, serta informasi mengenai kebijakan pemerintah daerah. Selain itu, apel ini juga menjadi ajang untuk memberikan penghargaan kepada ASN yang berprestasi atau telah menunjukkan dedikasi tinggi dalam bekerja. Apel Korpri bukan hanya sekadar ke...

New Experiences During Community Service Skills

By : Alissa Sandra Kharisma Hi everyone, my name is Alissa Sandra Kharisma, majoring in Office Management (MP). I want to tell you about my activities during CSS, namely Community Service Skills. This CSS program is a program that must be followed by all tenth grade students of SMK SEPULUH NOPEMBER SIDOARJO. I carry out this program at the Ganggangpanjang Village Hall which is not far from my house. I was also accompanied by Sensei Dewi who was my companion during CSS. The experience I want to convey is a pleasant experience, namely being able to get to know friends from various departments, meeting friendly and kind village hall people, good accompanying teachers. The next experience is that I can socialize with local residents directly, apart from that I can practice my public service skills when communicating with them. That's the story of my experience during the CSS program this time, hopefully it can add knowledge that is useful for all of us, thank you.

My Experience CSS In Ganggangpanjang Village 2025

By : Nilam Ayu Nur Cahyani Hello friends, let me introduce myself, my name is Nilam Ayu Nur Cahyani and i'm from SMK SEPULUH NOPEMBER SIDOARJO. I am one of the students who do CSS in Ganggangpanjang from seven students. I am a student from a non-health major where I was placed in the village hall. We were accompanied by sensei Dewi on the first day and our guide was Mr. Pandu. I was placed with two other students who were also in the same major as me and we worked together. At first, it felt awkward in a new place, but after a few days, I started to get used to it. Here we are taught a list of applications called SIPRAJA which can help to take care of the documents. We also collect community data, legalize documents, and type documents on laptops. At first we made some mistakes, but that's okay, it was an incident where we could learn something new from those mistakes. I think that's enough, I am very grateful to the Ganggangpanjang village hall for accepting us and giving ...


(Photo : I am taking the blood pressure of a person with a mental disorder. This may be something new and something I have only just heard about, but it is interesting to me.) By : Anatasya Novalia Aziza Hello everyone, My name is Anatasya Novalia Aziza, You can call me Anatasya, I am a student at SMK 10 NOVEMBER SIDOARJO, My majored is nursing and caregiver support services, Currently I am doing CSS (Community Service Skills) activities or programs in Ganggang Panjang Village, I did this activity from January 6, 2025 and finished on February 7, 2025. Before that, I would like to thank Mrs. Is, Mrs. Reny, Mr. Pandu, other village hall officers, as well as the cadre mothers and residents who have received us and guided and taught us. On this occasion, I would like to tell or share my experience while participating in CSS activities in Ganggang Panjang Village. The main thing I want to explain is what the goal of this CSS activity or program is. This goal is made to train us to build and...

Enjoyable Moment

By : Chusnul Analisah Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is chusnul analisah, usually called lisa. I am a student from SMK SEPULUH NOPEMBER SIDORJO, I majored in caregiver support services, which is undergoing CSS (Community Service Skill) in Ganggang Panjang Village. The program I am doing is held from January 6, 2025 to February 7, 2025. On this occasion I will tell you about my experience during the CSS program. Before that I will explain what is the purpose of this CSS program. This activity is made by our school with the aim of training and developing students' social skills, because we will directly deal with the community. In this CSS program, I was able to get to know friends from various majors, and also to know midwives, village nurses, and also the mothers of village cadres. On the first day, we only held a meeting, an introduction to the program we were doing, and surveyed the posts that will be held by posyandu. The thing that impressed me was the posyandu park, w...

Story About All Of My Daily CSS Activities

By : Lintang Ayu Ramadhani Hello everyone, let me introduce myself, my name is Lintang Ayu Ramadhani, from SMK 10 NOPEMBER SIDOARJO, from class 10 majoring in Office Management (MP) 3. I am taking part in the Community Service Skill (CSS) program in Ganggangpanjang village, Tanggulangin District, Sidoarjo Regency which aims to improve soft skills and hard skills. and increase the spirit of caring for the surrounding community.  The CSS program in Ganggangpanjang Village has 8 members which are divided into 2 parts, namely health and non-health. 5 people in the health section were placed in the posyandu and 3 people in the non-health section were placed in the village hall. The CSS program will be implemented for 1 month, starting from January 6, 2025 to February 7, 2025.  At the village hall, we serve residents to make a Certificate of Disability (SKTM) through the SIPRAJA (Sidoarjo Community Service System) type A system for administrative purposes such as applying for social...


By : Key’sa Sheila Mustajabyah Andini Haii Everyone , My Name is Key’sa Sheila Mustajabyah Andini , you can call me Keysa . I am a student at SMK 10 NOVEMBER SIDOARJO , I majored in Medical laboratory support services who is currently undergoing CSS (Community Service Skills) In Ganggang Panjang village . The Program that I am undergoing is implemented from January 6 , 2025 to February 7,2025. On this occasion I will tell you about my experience while participating in CSS activities in Ganggang Panjang Village. Before that I will explain what the purpose of this CSS program is. This activity was created by our school with the aim of training and developing social skills in students, because one day we will be dealing directly with society. Oh yes, I'll just tell you about my experience during CSS in Ganggang Panjang village. On January 6 at 09.00 in the morning we gathered to get to know each other accompanied by our beloved teacher Sensei Dewi. After we got to know each other, we ...