Story About All Of My Daily CSS Activities

By : Lintang Ayu Ramadhani

Hello everyone, let me introduce myself, my name is Lintang Ayu Ramadhani, from SMK 10 NOPEMBER SIDOARJO, from class 10 majoring in Office Management (MP) 3. I am taking part in the Community Service Skill (CSS) program in Ganggangpanjang village, Tanggulangin District, Sidoarjo Regency which aims to improve soft skills and hard skills. and increase the spirit of caring for the surrounding community. 

The CSS program in Ganggangpanjang Village has 8 members which are divided into 2 parts, namely health and non-health. 5 people in the health section were placed in the posyandu and 3 people in the non-health section were placed in the village hall. The CSS program will be implemented for 1 month, starting from January 6, 2025 to February 7, 2025. 

At the village hall, we serve residents to make a Certificate of Disability (SKTM) through the SIPRAJA (Sidoarjo Community Service System) type A system for administrative purposes such as applying for social assistance or reducing education costs. Apart from that, we are also tasked with recording applications for Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) in an Excel table. We record important information such as the name of the owner of the Resident Identity Card (KTP), the Tax Return number (SPPT), the name of the owner of the Tax Return Due (SPPT), and the boundaries. land. 

This activity program can add new knowledge and new experiences for me. I think that's enough to tell you about my experience while carrying out this CSS activity.


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