By : Key’sa Sheila Mustajabyah Andini

Haii Everyone , My Name is Key’sa Sheila Mustajabyah Andini , you can call me Keysa . I am a student at SMK 10 NOVEMBER SIDOARJO , I majored in Medical laboratory support services who is currently undergoing CSS (Community Service Skills) In Ganggang Panjang village . The Program that I am undergoing is implemented from January 6 , 2025 to February 7,2025.

On this occasion I will tell you about my experience while participating in CSS activities in Ganggang Panjang Village. Before that I will explain what the purpose of this CSS program is. This activity was created by our school with the aim of training and developing social skills in students, because one day we will be dealing directly with society.

Oh yes, I'll just tell you about my experience during CSS in Ganggang Panjang village. On January 6 at 09.00 in the morning we gathered to get to know each other accompanied by our beloved teacher Sensei Dewi. After we got to know each other, we surveyed the place where we would be staying at the posyandu. The first day we carried out CSS activities was January 9 2025 with the theme POSYANDU MENTAL so we carried out examinations on people affected by mental disorders. We not only checked their health but we also provided PMT (supplementary feeding) which had been provided. The second day, January 10, we had Posyandu at one of the nearest kindergartens in Ganggang Panjang village, we played and had fun together. Then for the next 1 week we will be in full POSYANDU COE, that's where our patience will be tested, we are very tired, but we have a lot of fun going through it together.

I am very happy to be able to CSS in Ganggang Panjang village, I have gained new experiences, new lessons and new friends. Everyone in Ganggang Panjang Village is very kind, friendly and united. They taught me new knowledge that I didn't know yet. The training and guidance I received during CSS has helped improve my social skills when dealing directly with society.

I am very grateful to the midwife and the cadres in Ganggang Panjang village who never tire of giving directions to me and my friends. forgive us if we make indirect mistakes. I will never forget this experience, I hope to see you another time


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