Enjoyable Moment

By : Chusnul Analisah

Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is chusnul analisah, usually called lisa. I am a student from SMK SEPULUH NOPEMBER SIDORJO, I majored in caregiver support services, which is undergoing CSS (Community Service Skill) in Ganggang Panjang Village. The program I am doing is held from January 6, 2025 to February 7, 2025.

On this occasion I will tell you about my experience during the CSS program. Before that I will explain what is the purpose of this CSS program. This activity is made by our school with the aim of training and developing students' social skills, because we will directly deal with the community.

In this CSS program, I was able to get to know friends from various majors, and also to know midwives, village nurses, and also the mothers of village cadres. On the first day, we only held a meeting, an introduction to the program we were doing, and surveyed the posts that will be held by posyandu.

The thing that impressed me was the posyandu park, where my friends and I visited kindergarten to play and have fun with funny siblings. There is a posyandu soul, only in a few villages, we do examinations for people who are affected by mental disorders.

The thing that trains patience the most is the COE posyandu. We are divided into several tasks, and there we are a bit overwhelmed and we are very tired, but we do it with fun. We do the COE posyandu for 1 full week.

I am very happy to do this CSS program in Ganggang Panjang village because I have gained new experiences, and made new friends. I am very grateful to the cadres, midwives, and village nurses who are very kind and friendly and also very patient to guide us during CSS. Forgive us if we make mistakes indirectly. I will not forget these moments and once again I am very grateful to the village officers. And I hope this CSS program will continue, because this program is very useful for us in the future.


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