(Photo : I am taking the blood pressure of a person with a mental disorder. This may be something new and something I have only just heard about, but it is interesting to me.)

By : Anatasya Novalia Aziza

Hello everyone, My name is Anatasya Novalia Aziza, You can call me Anatasya, I am a student at SMK 10 NOVEMBER SIDOARJO, My majored is nursing and caregiver support services, Currently I am doing CSS (Community Service Skills) activities or programs in Ganggang Panjang Village, I did this activity from January 6, 2025 and finished on February 7, 2025.

Before that, I would like to thank Mrs. Is, Mrs. Reny, Mr. Pandu, other village hall officers, as well as the cadre mothers and residents who have received us and guided and taught us.

On this occasion, I would like to tell or share my experience while participating in CSS activities in Ganggang Panjang Village.

The main thing I want to explain is what the goal of this CSS activity or program is. This goal is made to train us to build and develop student skills.

And my experience while participating in the CSS program in Ganggang Panjang Village began on January 6, 2025 at that time we did introductions and also guidance, We were accompanied by our supervising teacher, then we conducted a survey to the places where we would occupy during the integrated health post, then we got the integrated health post schedule, on the first day we carried out the integrated health post activities, we conducted examinations on people who were known to have mental disorders, and on the second day we carried out socialization to the nearest kindergarten, The following days we attended the integrated health post according to the schedule and such as the CEO, Toddler and other integrated health posts, there our patience might be tested, and maybe tired or exhausted, but all that was not felt because the activity was very exciting and happy because we did it together.


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