By : Ilah Fitrotul Jannah

Hello, my name is Ilah Fitrotul Jannah, you can call me Ilah. I am a student at SMK Sepuluh Nopember Sidoarjo, majoring in Farmasi Klinis Dan Komonitas (FKK) who is currently undergoing CSS (Community Service Skills) or Community Service Skills activities/programs. The program that I am undergoing is implemented from January 6, 2025 to February 7, 2025.

The purpose of this is that I want to write a story from my experience during the CSS program. But before that, I will explain what the purpose of the CSS program is. So with the program that has been run by the school for 2 years, it aims to train and develop students' social skills, because we will directly deal with the community.

From this program, I can get to know new friends from other departments. In addition, I can also get to know the village midwives and village cadre mothers who are very friendly and accept us by giving us new knowledge, which we previously did not know. The first day we only held a meeting, and an introduction to what posyandu programs would be carried out for the next month.

The thing that still impressed me during the posyandu that had been running for one month was the Jiwa posyandu. Because this Jiwa Posyandu is still rarely found in the Tanggulangin District area. From the Jiwa Posyandu, it gave me a new experience, and gave me a message about the importance of having a sense of gratitude because God gives us health, a mentality that is perfect enough for us.

The second most impressive thing was the COE Posyandu. The COE Posyandu (Center Of Excellence) is a model Posyandu that is fostered and trained to serve all life cycles, from the elderly, toddlers, teenagers, and many more. This Posyandu was carried out for 4 days at different posts. During the 4 days, I was very happy because I could meet the residents and the cadre mothers who had different posts. There I learned a lot, starting from measuring LiLa, LK, LP, Weight, Height and Blood Pressure. Not only that, I also started to be fast and agile towards the residents. The next experience is that I can socialize with local residents and toddlers, besides that I can also practice my public speaking skills when talking to them. And the last one that is very enjoyable for me is the Kindergarten Posyandu. My friends and I went to one of the kindergartens in Ganggang Panjang village. There we played and studied with cute little brothers and sisters.

From all the experiences that I have told, I conclude that this program has many benefits. Starting from increasing relationships, training our self-confidence, learning new things, and so on. I think that's enough, that's the experience and message that I can take during the CSS activity.

I hope this program will continue. Because this CSS program has many benefits for us as students. I would like to thank the village officers who have accepted us, as well as the village midwife who has given us a lot of new knowledge.


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