My Experience of KKN in Ganggangpanjang Village

By : Devi Pratiwi

My story during KKN in Ganggangpanjang Tanggulangin Village, Sidoarjo.

Hello, I'm Devi Pratiwi, who is no longer a layman, usually called Depi. Narotama University Surabaya student. Since I was given the task of telling about my experience during KKN here, here are some of my best experiences while carrying out KKN in Ganggangpanjang Village. Before that, I would like to first thank Mr. Pandu who has been dedicated to guiding us throughout our KKN journey and providing very valuable facilities while we were in the village. The friendliness of the village residents also made our KKN experience even more valuable.

No need to beat around the bush anymore. Straight to the point, what was my experience during KKN, the interesting thing or my best experience was when holding a competition or competition for the 79th Indonesian Independence Day in Ganggangpanjang Village, precisely at RT 06, because in my opinion it was something new and the most valuable experience because of the opportunity to interact directly with the local community. Especially mothers and younger siblings. Because then I am no longer the one taking part in the competition, but the one organizing the competition. By bringing attractive gifts to appreciate them. That way I was faced with challenging situations that required skills such as leadership, teamwork, communication, and time management. As well as getting to know the culture, learning about daily life and the values held by the people there. Being able to face tasks and challenges together creates special memories. I also felt happy because I had the opportunity to be the Master of Ceremony at this activity. With the extraordinary enthusiasm of the residents, our team is enthusiastic and gives the best.

An experience that was no less valuable for me was the healthy heart activity held by the residents of RW 02, where for the second time I became the Master of Ceremony in this activity, which masyaallah the event was extraordinary and very lively. All residents flocked to take part in this activity. Where I can learn about good communication and complete the responsibilities that the committee has given me. Alhamdulillah The activities ran smoothly, all of this was due to the hard work of all the committee members, the collaboration of KKN friends and also the extraordinary solidarity and enthusiasm of the residents.

In the end, KKN is a very valuable experience. This not only gives us the opportunity to apply the knowledge we have, but also helps us develop social skills, leadership, increase educational strengths and collaboration and empathy. That way after we leave the village we have made a positive contribution and also learned a lot from the villagers.

I personally can't wait for the next activities, namely outreach to elementary schools and outreach regarding MSMEs to residents of Ganggangpanjang Tanggulangin Village, Sidoarjo. Hopefully it will be no less interesting and can run smoothly. I hope we all always have never-ending happiness.

Thank you all..


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