My Experience During KKN in GanggangPanjang Village

By : Jefri Samudra

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. 

Good morning/afternoon/evening, best wishes to all of us. Let me introduce myself, my name is Jefri Samudra from Narotama University Surabaya, Informatics Engineering Study Program. During the KKN activity in GanggangPanjang village I had to adapt to several things but I felt very, very happy, comfortable and also many things What I felt when I was there was from several events being held that I was very impressed and I even thought that events in the village were no less interesting than events held in the city.

At the opening of the KKN which was held at the GanggangPanjang village hall which was attended by DPL, village officials and cadres. This event went well and smoothly until the end of the event although there were several shortcomings in the implementation of the event but we will improve even better in the future. The next day we were given the opportunity to take part in the celebration of the 79th village Anniversary of Indonesian independence and also at the GanggangPanjang village hall.

Coinciding with the 79th Indonesian Independence Day, we held competition activities for residents in the RT 06 area, once again I was very impressed with the enthusiasm of the residents to take part in the competition we held. I was very happy when I interacted with the younger siblings and there were some who had already so familiar that when I meet them outside I definitely follow them so I feel like I'm the gang boss hahaha, that's really exciting.

The next day we participated to support the Healthy Heart event, here I felt many new things from the event such as the Horeg sound system which previously I could only see on social media but here I could feel it directly. The event was very lively and very exciting plus enthusiasm Local residents joined in the fun by wearing various costumes. Don't forget, I always ignore the moment in every activity we carry out.

During the KKN activities, we were faced with various problems or challenges that required good and efficient problem solving by discussing with the team so that we could produce the best solution so that the problem could be resolved. Hopefully in the future we will improve even better in the preparation and implementation of events. And also make this KKN activity a very valuable and very useful learning and experience in the future for me and my group of friends. I will never be able to forget the very beautiful memories of the activity KKN in GanggangPanjang village.


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