A Very Valuable Experience In Interacting With Residents Of Ganggangpanjang Village

By : Thalia Devi Savitri

My story during the real work lecture (KKN) let me introduce myself, I am Thalia Devi Savitri, you can call me Lia, Thal, and usually called Ta by Mr. Pandu, ehehe.. I come from Narotama University, Surabaya.

A little story about Ganggangpanjang Village, Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo, before the KKN was implemented, my team and I conducted a location survey in Ganggangpanjang Village, in my mind Ganggangpanjang Village was the same as the villages in Surabaya, but it turned out to be a very, very amazing village, many green rice fields, plus mountain views and very cool, very beyond my expectations. there I couldn't wait to do KKN in Ganggangpanjang Village.

While waiting for departure, I prepared the personal equipment and group equipment needed. on August 14th was our departure date for KKN, then on August 15th, 2024 we carried out the first activity, namely the opening of KKN which was attended by Mr. I Putu Artaya S.E., M.M. and Mr. MADE KAMISUTARA S.T, M.Kom. as the field supervisor and the village head Muhammad Adenan who was represented by Mr. Pandu. and attended by village officials and cadre mothers.

For the next activity we attended the event on August 17, 2024 which coincided with the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, and many activities that we participated in such as the thanksgiving night held by each RT, competition activities in each RT whose residents were very enthusiastic about participating from children to adults, as well as the RW 02 healthy walk, with this event we can also get to know the residents, children, teenagers in the Ganggang Panjang village, here we are given learning or given motivation so that we can deal with many people interact with residents too, here we also help the committee regarding documentation.

we spent the night at Mr. Pandu's house during the activity, the next activity on August 18, 2024, the RW 02 committee held a healthy walk for all residents of RT 02, where we were very enthusiastic to participate and help in the event such as documentation, collecting healthy walk coupons, distributing door prizes and others, unexpectedly for the door prizes, it turned out that our team got as many as 5 door prizes that were given, we were all tired but it was paid off by the very interesting, cool scenery, especially with the music or dangdut provided, then the Punden Mbah Retjo tourist spot also became a very good attraction to visit, many residents were very enthusiastic about the event which was very different from the city we live in, truly compact residents in the activities held.

Previously I would like to thank you for your cooperation, time and place especially to Mr. Pandu who has provided facilities and guidance to us, and to the village officials such as the village head and his staff, Mr. RT 05, 06, 07, and RT 08 along with their staff and residents. our activities that we have held are not enough, but there will be further activities in the following week, so please wait for the next event, see you.


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