Closing of the Thematic Real Work Lecture Activities

By : Muhammad Fiqi Naufaldy P

Narotama University Surabaya 2022 students in Ganggangpanjang Village took place on Sunday (28/08/22) at Ganggangpanjang Village Hall. The closing was attended by village officials, village officials, and heads of RT and RW. This closing event was held not only for a series of farewell events, but also to describe the final project of Narotama University KKN students.

The event began with the opening of the Remo Dance, which was performed by a member of KKN named Ayu Kurnia Putri. Then it was continued with the delivery of an impression message from one of the KKN members, namely Khairillah Fathin. And don't forget too Messages The impressions from the villagers were conveyed by Mr. Endy Pandu Nugroho who was also our supervisor when doing KKN in this village.

After that it was continued by me, Fiqi Naufaldy as the vice chairman who had to report how our work program was carried out from the first day to the last day. I also don't forget to thank all those who have supported our event so that this Community Service Program can run smoothly.

After this community service report was completed, Mr. Tahegga Primananda Alfath as the Field Supervisor expressed our gratitude and  hope to Ganggangpanjang Village for allowing us to hold Community Service Program in Ganggangpanjang Village. Before the KKN was closed, Muhammad Adenan as the head of Ganggangpanjang village also thanked the KKN students who had been willing to do KKN in this Ganggangpanjang village. And he also feels lucky because to choose a place where the Community Service Program will be held, a selection process from village to village is required.

At the end of the event, it was closed with the handover of a placard by me as the deputy chairman to Mr. Village Head Muhammad Adenan as our gratitude for this Ganggangpanjang Village. Then the After Movie, Jalan Sehat which was held on August 21 in different places, namely RT 5&6, 7 and 8, was screened after the closing ceremony of the Narotama University Community Service Program ended.

With 12 members, the Narotama University Surabaya student group has completed KKN-MBKM activities with the Digital Village Scheme and Tourism Village with the title "Education and Digitalization of MSMEs in Ganggangpanjang Village" which was carried out for 1 month. Officially closed.


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